Mandy Tisdale – Director of Canine Behavior and Training

Mandy Tisdale – Director of Canine Behavior and Training

Joining the SDF team in 2017, Mandy is responsible for the management of our canine training team and kennel operations, in addition to the training and ongoing development of our prospective and graduate canine teams. Before joining SDF, Mandy spent almost a decade as a canine trainer in private dog training practice, focusing extensively on dogs with challenging behavior problems, and coaching dog owners in the successful management of challenging dogs. As a Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA), Mandy brings tremendous experience working with shelter dogs and their new owners to ensure they can be successful and not end up back in the shelter. Mandy’s experience in coaching individuals on both ends of the leash is invaluable in the ongoing development of our Canine Training Team and graduate dog handlers. Mandy is also certified as a Canine Search Specialist with her rescued human remains detection dog, Paul, and live-find search dog, Hope, as members of California Regional US&R Task Force 7.